Contact Information

Office: Information Systems Suite, Room 168
Phone: 254.710.6210
Office Hrs: Mon - Thur, 1:00p - 2:30p or by appointment

Textbook/Software Access (available in Bundle at Campus Bookstore)

Course Objectives
This course is designed to explore the use of personal computers in business. The course will include: 1) a familiarization with basic computer terminology and careers; and 2) a level of software proficiency and effective usage of Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and basic website development.

Testing Out
If you are very familiar with the material of this course and believe you have sufficient  mastery of the material to be covered, you may attempt to test out of the course. A non-refundable fee of approximately $394 is charged for taking this test. Upon successful completion of the test, with a grade of 70 or better you will receive credit for the course but not a letter grade. To take the test, contact Prof. Karen Leskoven in the MIS Department. The test covers Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Access software as well as basic computer hardware literacy. The test is given on a computer using SAM software.

Course Technology Requirements
You should have access to a printer and a personal computer with Microsoft Windows XP or above, Office 2010, and a high-speed Internet connection. OR you may use the Advanced Technology Lab which has computers with all required hardware and software.

Use of Baylor Computers: To enhance learning, students are expected to have access to a computer utilizing current software as appropriate for the class and have connections both to Baylor Systems and the Internet to complete assignments and gain access to course materials. The course is taught in a classroom where computers are available for each student when use is appropriate in class. Classroom computers will be used ONLY to access course material, to complete class problems, and to take certain exams. Classroom computers will be used only at the instructors direction.

The classroom printer is to be used only when directed by the instructor. The printer is not to be used for printing class notes, assignments, personal material, or material for other classes.

Advanced Technology Lab (ATLab). All students enrolled in a business school course (except US 1125, BUS 3302, BUS 3303, LDS 1101, LDS 3101) have access to the computer lab located in Cashion 200. Computers in this class have all required software for this course. For information on lab hours, please go to their website. Personal computer or printer problems will not be accepted as a reason why assignments are not complete. The Garden Level of Moody Library also contains computers on which you can also complete your assignments. Always save your work to a disk or Box so if you have problems, you can complete or print the assignment at another location.

Use of Personal Computers (optional): Students utilizing Apple computers must understand that classroom instruction will be on IBM compatible machines and that in some cases Mac versions of the Microsoft software will not perform exactly the same. Also, SAM software is not compatible with Apple OS (eg, Safari, etc.). Assignments requiring the use of SAM must be completed on IBM compatible machines either in Baylor Labs or other computers which are compatible with Windows software.

Required Testing/Training Software: SAM, is an online educational software system that requires connection to the Internet. This software will be used for training, completion of exercises, and assessment. Access to this software is through the use of an Access Code which much be purchased by each student. Purchase may be either with the Textbook/SAM Bundle through the bookstore, or direct from Cengage Learning at the following Web Site: SAM Access Code Site.

Work using this software must be completed by individuals and turned in via the system as individual work. This software may not be shared as each student will be required to log-in and have a unique log-in code and password. The system monitors work and records grades or completion for each individual username. NOTE: the Baylor SAM institutional key is T2031171.

Canvas: This course uses Canvas, an online web portal, for submission of some assignments and for posting of grades and attendance. Access to Canvas requires the use of your Bear ID and Password. Canvas can be accessed at After logging in, simply click on the link for this course.

E-mail: Please check your Baylor email account daily for any class-related information and announcements. Baylor does not forward the emails sent to your Baylor account to personal email accounts such as gmail.


Course Grade
ALL projects and exams for this class have weightings which means they contribute differently towards your final grade. This means you CANNOT simply add all your earned points on your deliverables, divide by the total possible points for these deliverables, and use that as your class grade--this method will NOT correctly determine your course grade. The weightings of each course deliverable is as follows: 

Class Deliverable Weight Weighted Points Possible
Excel Project
Access Project
Website Project
Exam 1
Exam 2
Final Exam

90-100(A); 87-89(B+); 80-86(B); 77-79(C+); 70-77(C); 60-69(D); Below 60(F)

Your grade-to-date in Canvas will reflect the above weightings. However, to manually determine how many weighted points you earned on a graded class deliverable, divide the number of points you received on the deliverable (i.e., your grade) by the number of points possible on the deliverable, then multiply that result by the number of weighted points possible for the deliverable. For example, if you received 80 out of 100 points on a project that is worth 10 weighted points, then you have earned 8 weighted points towards your final grade (80/100*10 = 8 weighed points earned). Similarly, receiving 58 out of 65 points on an exam worth 18 weighted points will contribute 16.06 weighted points towards your final grade (58/65*15 = 16.06 weighted points earned). To determine your grade in the class at any point in time, add up the total number of weighted points you have earned to-date and divide by the total number of weighted points possible to-date.

To track your own grades using the class weightings, I have provided a sample template here: NOTE: be sure to re-download and complete the template after receiving each graded exam as the actual number of exam points WILL vary from the initial template values.

NOTE FOR ALL MIS 1305 CLASSES: This course is part of the Core Business Curriculum and a grade of “C” or better must be attained on this and other core classes to be admitted to the Hankamer School of Business after successful completion of 60 credit hours (and achieving the required minimum GPA) at Baylor.

Class Policies

A. Course Updates
Updates to course topics and deliverables may be communicated in class, on the course website, or via email. This may include changes to and/or additional information regarding assignments, dues dates, exams, material covered in class, etc. Students are expected to check their Baylor emails daily for any course updates.

B. Attendance, and Tardiness
Attendance is checked at the beginning of each class. Tardy students MUST check in with me IMMEDIATELY after class in order to remove the absence. I will not remove absences after we have left the classroom.

Per Hankamer School of Business policy, you must attend a minimum of 75% of class meetings. Less than 75% attendance WILL result in a grade of "F" for the course. University-approved excused absences do not eliminate the absence but do, in most cases, allow work to be made up without penalty. Attendance will be updated in Canvas weekly. Students are responsible for monitoring and knowing their attendance percentages at all times.

You are strongly encouraged to attend all class meetings. If you are tardy or absent, it is your responsibility to obtain class notes and announcements (including assignment or schedule changes) from other students and emails. Tardy students must check with me immediately at the end of class to remove the absence. Attendance corrections will not be accepted after this time. In addition, you are expected to remain in your seat for the entire class unless there is an emergency.

C. Assignments
ALL assignments are to be completed individually. Emailed assignments will NOT be accepted. Assignments turned in late on the due date will receive a 50% deduction. Assignments will not be accepted after the due date unless there is a documented, university-approved excused absence. If you have an excused absence (illness or school-sponsored activity), you’ll be allowed to turn in your assignment before the absence occurs or on the day you return to class, but you must bring a note from the doctor or university sponsor, or the assignment will be counted late.

D. Exams and Quizzes
Exams and quizzes emphasize material covered in texts, lectures, assignments, and lab exercises. Missed exams without a documented, university-excused absence (e.g. mandatory school sponsored events, illness, family emergencies) will receive a minimum of 10 points deducted if administered late on the scheduled test day, and 10 additional points per day deducted after that. No makeup quizzes will be given without a documented, university-excused absence. All missed exams must be made up at the first available opportunity after the actual scheduled time of the exam, according to the professor's availability. It is the student's responsibility to (1) provide documentation of the university-excused absence, and (2) contact me via email or phone as soon as possible after missing an exam to arrange the date, time, and place for a makeup. If an exam is taken from the classroom, the resulting grade on it will be failing. 

E. Grades, Corrections, and Re-grades
All assignments and exams will be returned to the student in class and grades will be posted in Canvas. Grade-related questions or corrections must be requested in writing or via email within one week of the posting or return date. The written request must specificially explain the item(s) on the test/assignment that are in question.

Additional grading policies:

F. Class Participation and Conduct
You are encouraged and expected to ask questions and enter into discussions on relevant issues as part of the class. 

Consistent with the University's Classroom Conduct Policy, please respect other students and your professor by minimizing unnecessary talking, messaging, and other disturbances in class.  If need be, I will re-assign seats for students who are excessively talking during class.

G. Electronic Devices
Cell phones and other electronic devices should be turned off before class begins. Classroom computers are not to be used in class to work on non-course related activities (email, surfing the web, etc). Professional conduct is expected from all students. 

H. Academic Dishonesty
Please refer to your Baylor University Student Handbook for a description of the University's Honor Code and for student responsibilities for academic integrity. Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and dismissal from the University. 

In this class, all exams, quizzes, assignments, and individual assignments are to be done indvidually and must be the result of your own work. Do NOT turn in a copy or duplicate of someone else’s work nor work that does NOT represent your individual effort. Do NOT turn in work that is the result of collaborative effort. Do NOT allow others to see or use your assignment. Violation of this policy will result in a grade of zero for the assignment and/or a failing course grade.

I. Hankamer Classrooms
We would like to maintain the high quality of the Hankamer classrooms for current and future students. To this end, per College of Business policy, please dispose of any drinks and food BEFORE entering the classroom/lab. Water in the classroom is allowed.

J. Hankamer Fire and Emergency Evacuation
In the event of a fire or other emergency in Cashion Academic Center and Hankamer School of Business, it may be necessary to evacuate rapidly.  Upon the activation of a fire alarm or the announcement of an emergency in the facility, all occupants must evacuate and assemble at the Evacuation Assembly Point(s) for Cashion Academic Center and Hankamer School of Business (parking lot). Once evacuated, no one may re-enter the building without instruction to do so from Baylor University Police or the City of Waco Fire Department.


MIS 1305 Information Technology and Processing
Summer 2015 Schedule

[Top of Syllabus | Class Homepage]
Subject to Revision; Last revision - 6.29.2015

Date Topic


Item Due  
6/1 Introduction to Course (ppt)
6/2 Introduction to MIS (ppt)


6/3 Class Setup (ppt)
SAM Setup (ppt)
Excel: Basics (worksheets)
(outline, all topics) (project info)

Excel Tut 1
Excel Tut 3 (pp 162-166)
Excel Tut 7 (pp 394-405)
6/4 Excel: Formatting
Excel Tut 2
Excel Tut 5 (pp 262-263, 271-274)
*** Lab Day ***
6/8 Excel: Formulas & Functions
Excel Tut 3 (pp 141-142, 150-178)
Excel Tut 7 (pp 512-514)
6/9 Excel: Formulas & Functions, cont...
Excel Tut 6 (pp 339-341, 352-353)
Excel Tut 8 (pp 466-502)
6/10 Excel: Formulas & Functions, cont...
Excel Tut 4 (pp 192-197)
Excel Tut 9 (pp 532-534, 540-543, 550-553)
6/11 Excel: Charts
Excel Tut 4
6/12 Excel: Tables & Pivot Tables
Excel Tut 5 (pp 264-270, 278-313)
Excel Pt1: Functions
*** Lab Day ***
Excel Pt2: Tables
*** Exam 1: Excel (study guide) ***
Excel Pt3: Comprehensive
by 5:00p (SAM)
Access: Introduction, Tables (ppt)
(outline, all topics) (in-class queries)
(project info)
Access Tut 1
Access Tut 2
6/18 Access: Queries
Access Tut 3
Access Tut 5.1 & 5.2
6/19 Access: Queries, cont...
6/22 Access: Queries, cont...

Access: Reports & Forms
Access Tut 4
Access Exercise (XC)
6/24 Web Development: Wordpress
(guide) (outline of all topics)
*** Lab Day ***

Access Project
*** Exam2: Access (study guide) ***
Web Development: Wordpress, cont...

*** Lab Day ***
*** Lab Day ***
*** Final Comprehensive Exam
(study guide) ***
Class Post-Survey by 5:00p (XC)
Website Project
by 5:00p
7/3 *** University Holiday: No Class ***
7/6 *** No Class ***