1. Systems
2. Statistics
3. Capitalism
4. Socialism
5. Developing World
6. The Americas
7. United States
8. Latin America
9. Europe
10. United Kingdom
11. Germany
12. France
13. Sweden
14. Eurasia Overview
15. Soviet Planning
16. Eurasia: Reform
17. Eurasia: Transition
18. Asia and Pacific
19. Japan
20. China
21. Africa
22. Economic Future
| |

Comparative Economic Statistics
Web Resources Related to Chapter 2 of Comparative Economic Systems, 2nd Edition, by H. Stephen Gardner
Methods of Statistical Comparison
- Big Mac Exchange Rates
- Entropy and Inequality Measures
- Higgins, Matthew and Jeffrey Williamson. "Explaining Inequality the World Round"
- Inequality, Lorenz Curve, and Gini Coefficient
- Purchasing Power Parity
- Tyrannical Numbers
- Vachris, Michelle and James Thomas. "International Price Comparisons and Purchasing Power Parity"
- VIROS - Virtual Institute for Research in Official Statistics (Eurostat)
Sources of Comparative Data
- Bank for International Settlements
- Big Mac Exchange Rates
- Bloomberg Online
- Bureau of Arms Control (U.S. State
Department, old site)
- Bureau of Arms Control (new)
- Center for International Health Information
- Central Intelligence Agency Publications
- Consort. for Internat. Earth Science Info. Network (CIESIN)
- Corruption Perception Index
- Database for Institutional Comparisons in Europe (DICE)
- Development Gateway
- Education Indicators: An International Perspective
- European Statistical Agencies
- Eurostat
- Eurostat: Harmonised indices of consumer prices - All items - Change rate M/M-12
- Facts on International Relations and Security Trends (SIPRI)
- Fortune Magazine Global 500
- Geoinvestor
- Global Data Links
- Global Financial Data
- Global Interest Rates
- Harvard Center for International Development
- Index of Economic Freedom
- Infonation
- International Archive of Education Data (ICPSR)
- International Economic Trends (St. Louis Fed)
- International Finance Corporation
- International Labour Organization
- ILO Database Access
- Index of Economic Freedom
- International Monetary Fund
- IMF World Economic Outlook Database
- International Regulation Database (OECD)
- International Trade Centre
- Key Indicators of the Labor Market (ILO)
- Luxembourg Income Study
- Macroeconomic time series
(University St. Gallen)
- National Statistical Agencies (from U.S. Bureau of Census)
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (Paris)
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (Washington)
- Pacific Exchange Rate Service
- Penn World Tables
- Progress of Nations 2000 (UNICEF)
- Purchasing Power of Working Time
- RRojas Databank
- SIPRI Yearbooks
- Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center
- State of the World's Children (UNICEF)
- Statistical Abstract of the United States
- Trade & Development Center (WTO/World Bank)
- U.N. Development Program
- U.N. Environment Programme: Global Environment Outlook
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- U.N. Population Division
- U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA)
- U.N. Statistics Division
- U.S. Bureau of Census, International Data Base
- Labor Statistics Database (ILO)
- WashingtonPost.com: Currency Rates and Information Page
- World Bank Group
- World Charts
- World Competitiveness Yearbook
- World Database of Happiness
- World Development Indicators (requires Baylor access)
- World Health Organization
- World Health Report
- World Income Inequality Database (UNDP/SEPED & UNU/WIDER)
- World Resources Institute (WRI)
- World Trade Organization
Related Web Directories
- Economic Data (Galileo)
- Links to Economic Data
- Statistical Data Locators
- Statistical Resources on the Web/Economics

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