Quizzes from Spring 2012
Steve Rich
Baylor University

Note: Annotated Keys created by Evan Sundermann

Chapter 3 - Securities Arbitrage (1/18): Quiz; Key; Annotated Key
Chapter 3 - Risk Arbitrage (1/23): Quiz; Key; Annotated Key
Chapter 3 - Risk Arbitrage (1/25): Quiz; Key; Annotated Key
Chapter 4 - Time Value of Money (1/30): 1:25 Class:Quiz; Key; 2:30 Class:Quiz; Key; 4:00 Class:Quiz; Key
Chapter 5 - Compound Interest:
2/1: 1:25 Class:Quiz; Key 2:30 Class:Quiz; Key 4:00 Class:Quiz; Key
2/6: Quiz; Key
Chapters 7 & 8 - Capital Budgeting (2/8): Quiz; Key
Chapter 8 - Free Cash Flow (2/13): 1:25 and 4:00 ClassesQuiz; Key; 2:30 Class:Quiz; Key
Chapter 10 - Measuring Risk and Return (2/15): 1:25 and 2:30 ClassesQuiz; Key; 4:00 Class:Quiz; Key
Chapter 11 - Portfolio Risk and Return (2/20): 1:25 Class:Quiz; Key; 2:30 and 4:00 Classes:Quiz; Key
Chapter 11 - Graphs of Portfolios of Risky Assets (2/22): 1:25 Class:Quiz; Key; 2:30 Class:Quiz; Key; 4:00 Class:Quiz; Key
Chapter 11 - Graphs with Risky and Risk-free Assets (2/27): Quiz; Key
Chapter 11 - Calculating Portfolio Betas (2/29): 1:25 Class:Quiz; Key; 2:30 Class:Quiz; Key; 4:00 Class:Quiz; Key
Chapter 14 - Capital Structure in a Perfect Market (3/5): 1:25 Class:Quiz; Key; 2:30 Class:Quiz; Key; 4:00 Class:Quiz; Key
Chapter 15 - Tax-optimal Leverage with Risk-free Earnings (3/7): Boeing:Quiz; Key; Chevron:Quiz; Key
Chapter 15 - Tax-optimal Leverage with Risky Earnings (3/19): Android:Quiz; Key; Robot:Quiz; Key
Chapter 16 - Other Issues in Capital Structure (3/21): Version A:Quiz; Key; Version B:Quiz; Key; Version C:Quiz; Key; Version D:Quiz; Key
Chapter 20 - Profits/losses on Options (3/26):
1:25a:Quiz; Option Quotes; Key
1:25b:Quiz; Option Quotes; Key
2:30a:Quiz; Option Quotes; Key
2:30b:Quiz; Option Quotes; Key
4:00a:Quiz; Option Quotes; Key
4:00b:Quiz; Option Quotes; Key
Chapter 20 - Put Call Parity (3/28): Version A:Quiz; Key; Version B:Quiz; Key
Chapter 20 - Options and Bonds (4/2): Version A:Quiz; Key; Version B:Quiz; Key
Chapter 21 - Single Period Binomial Option Pricing (4/4): Version A:Quiz; Key; Version B:Quiz; Key; Version C:Quiz; Key; Version D:Quiz; Key
Chapter 21 - Multiperiod Binomial Option Pricing (4/11): Version A:Quiz; Key; Version B:Quiz; Key; Version C:Quiz; Key; Version D:Quiz; Key
Chapter 21 - Black Scholes Option Pricing Model (4/16): Version A:Quiz; Key; Version B:Quiz; Key
Chapter 21 - Beta of Debt (4/18): Version A:Quiz; Key; Version B:Quiz; Key
Chapter 22 - Decisions Trees (4/23): Version A:Quiz; Key; Version B:Quiz; Key
Chapter 22 - Options to Expand or Abandon (4/25): Version A:Quiz; Key; Version B:Quiz; Key