Introduction to Corporate Finance

Note: Check figures to textbook problems are posted to Canvas.

Chapter 1: The Corporation
Partial Lecture Notes
Complete Lecture Notes
Homework problems from textbook: 2, 5 - 10, 13, 14, 16, 18
Spreadsheet assignment: Problem 6 from textbook

Chapter 2: Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
Partial Lecture Notes
Complete Lecture Notes
What are accruals? Section 2 on p. 30 of this paper has an excellent discussion on cash flow vs accrual accounting. It is the 30th page of the journal, but the third page of the article.
Apple Example for 2015
Homework problems from textbook: 2, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 19, 44, 45 (See notes below before working these problems!)
1) For all problems requiring 10k data (6, 12, 19, and 44) use data for Apple for the TWO most recent fiscal years rather than using the firms and years stated in the textbook. These will be included in Apple's most recent 10k.
2) See Apple's Investor website to download Excel version of financial statements You won't need the tabs except for the Balance Sheet, Cash Flows, and Income Statement.
To download the XLS versions of Apple's 10-k, click on "SEC Filings" then select "Annual" under "SEC Groupings". You will also likely want download a PDF version to search for question 44.
3) I recommend building a spreadsheet for questions 6, 12, and 19.
Note: Check figures on Canvas in files
Spreadsheet assignment: Problem 8 from textbook

Chapter 3: Financial Decision Making and the Law of One Price
Partial Lecture Notes
Complete Lecture Notes
Unsolved Examples: Example 1; Example 2
Solutions to Unsolved Examples: Example 1 Key; Example 2 Key
Homework problems from textbook: 1, 4, 8, 10, 16, 17, A2 (from Chapter 3 Appendix)
Additional required homework problems I wrote
Spreadsheet assignments: Additional problems 2 and 3 (see above)
Note: Check figures on Canvas in files