After completing this session, you should understand the difference
between auditing the development of an information system and auditing
the output of that information system. You should also recognize
the critical controls over the systems development process and when
it is appropriate for IS auditors to participate in development
- Review the SDLC concept by reading Sannerud, SAC:
System Development Life Cycle, ITAudit Forum, April 15,
2003. Printer-friendly version here.
- Review Boritz, Chapter
4. Concentrate on the "Controls
over Systems" and "Role
for Auditors in the System Development and Acquisition Process"
- Read the following ISACA guidelines
- Read Oliphant, An
Introduction to Computer Auditing - Part Deux, No. 14, Part B,
ITAudit Forum, January 1, 2001. Just read the section about
auditing the SDLC activities.
- Read Berardi and Stucki, SAC:
Systems Development Technical Overview, ITAudit Forum,
March 15, 2003. Focus on the section about auditing's role in the
SDLC activities (near the bottom of the article). Printer-friendly
version here.
- Review the following SDLC Audit Programs
- Read Stanford, The
project from hell, Computerworld, September 4, 1995.
- Skim Keil & Mann, The Nature and Extent
of IT Project Escalation: Part I, IS Audit and Control Journal
in the COURSE MATERIALS section of Blackboard.
- Skim Keil & Mann, The Nature and Extent
of IT Project Escalation: Part II, IS Audit and Control Journal
in the COURSE MATERIALS section of Blackboard.
- After class, go to the Baylor
Electronic Resources and search the Wall Street Journal
in ProQuest to find and read Tomsho, R. 1994. "How Greyhound
Lines re-engineered itself right into a deep hole," The Wall
Street Journal (10/20): A1, A6 (use "real dog greyhound"
as your search term). Prepare an audit plan that, if executed in a
timely fashion, would have detected the system development and execution
flaws soon enough for Greyhound to have avoided them. To minimize
the likelihood of failing to identify all the unsuccessful systems
development practices, start by making a list of them. Then develop
an audit plan that addresses each one. This audit plan is an INDIVIDUAL
assignment. Your completed audit plan is due at the beginning of class
on July 15.