Sample Questions To Ask On An Evaluation  

Here are some sample Kirkpatrick Level 1(Learner's reaction) questions that you might use to evaluate eLearning.

For questions 1 - 18, have the user respond with Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, or Strongly Agree.
For questions 19 and 20, have the user respond with Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, and Excellent.

  1. The content was well organized.
  2. The content was clear and understandable.
  3. The content met my needs and expectations.
  4. The content was relevant to my job.
  5. The content was interesting and held my attention.
  6. The e-Learning was enjoyable.
  7. The e-Learning length was about right.
  8. The exercises were realistic and applicable to my job.
  9. The e-Learning kept my interest.
  10. The e-Learning was timely.
  11. The content was accurate.
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12. The e-Learning will help improve my job.
13. The e-Learning increased my knowledge about the topics.
14. The e-Learning was dynamic and interactive.
15. I would take this type of training again.
16. I would recommend this course to others.
17. The e-Learning encouraged group participation.
18. My questions were ansered adequately.
19. How would you rate the training overall.
20. What is the probability that you will use this on your job.