More on Summative Evaluation  

Dr. Don Kirkpatrick devised four levels of summative evaluation that could be used to determine the success of any training project. The chart below describes the four levels in greater detail.

  • Ask how well did the participants enjoy the training.
  • Determine if they felt the time spent was worthwhile.
  • Inquire if the content was appropriate for their job level.
Knowledge Gain
  • Give a pre-test before the eLearning course and compare to grades to a post-test.
  • Query their supervisors to see if they feel their employees know the material better after the training.
Performance Improvement
  • Compare productivity pre- and post-training.
  • Interview line managers to determine if production has improved.
  • Interview customers to see if they are satisfied with service received.
  • Compare productivity to other units or to competition.
  • Collect training costs and compare to other training programs.
  • Determine if the bottom line improved.
  • Ask, "Can it be attributed to training, or some other variables?"
  • Involve the accounting department in determing monetary values and get their buy in.
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