ACC5317/Class Home Page
Blackboard Login Instructions
Syllabus Link
Communications between Students and Instructor

Follow these steps to login to Blackboard.

Open your Internet browser of choice - either Internet Explorer 5.X or Netscape 4.X. If you are using AOL as your Internet Service Provider, it will be best NOT to use the AOL-supplied browser as it does not have all the features installed. Rather, you need to download and install a full version of the browser to use once you have established your Internet connection through AOL. You may download the browsers from the following sites: Netscape or Internet Explorer

Once you have Internet access, enter Baylor's Blackboard URL - You should receive the Blackboard homepage screen shown below. Click on the login button button to proceed.

Blackboard Homepage Screen

You should now see the login screen shown below. Enter your user name (BearID) and password, then click on the LOGIN button.

Blackboard login screen

You should now see the homepage for the course shown below. If you are in more that one course at Baylor that uses Blackboard, this page will show ALL your Blackboard courses. You are now ready to explore the course information. If you would like more information about navigating the course from this page, read these instructions.

Blackboard course homepage