

Jason Saving

Lecturer - Economics

Contact Information

Office Location:  Paul L. Foster Campus for Business and Innovation 

Work Experience

  • Part-time Lecturer, Baylor University (August 22, 2011 - Present)
  • Senior Fellow, National Center for Policy Analysis (2005 - Present)
  • Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (1996 - Present)


Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"The Increasingly Media Fragmented and Opinionated American Voter," Social Science Quarterly, (2017).

"Income Inequality and Political Polarization: Time Series Evidence Over Nine Decades," Review of Income and Wealth, Vol. 62, (2016), pp. 445-466 (coauthors: John V. Duca).

"An Economic Perspective on Mexico-U.S. Immigration Policy vis-a-vis Mexico," , Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2016 (coauthors: Harriett Romo, Olivia Lopez, Pia Orrenius).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"Texas Health Coverage Lags and Medicaid Expands in U.S.," (4th Quarter 2015).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Are Income Tax Rates Destined to Rise? The Fiscal Imbalance and Future Tax Policy," National Tax Journal, Vol. 68, (2015), pp. 235-250.

Why Texas Grows Faster: The Role of Smaller Government, New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2014.

"Falling Off the Fiscal Cliff," Economics Letters, (December 2012).

"Stimulating Out Way to Prosperity," Economic Letter, (December 2012).

"Determining Creditworthiness and Texas' Case for a Top Credit Rating," No. 4, (2012).

"Federal Health Care Law Promises Coverage for All, but At a Price," Economic Letter, (March 2011).

"Consumer Sovereignty in Modern Times," , Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2011 (coauthors: Bougrine, H., Parker, I., Seccareccia, M.).

"States Still Feel Recession's Effects Two Years After Downturn's End," No. 4, (2011).

"What Drives Regional Growth, and What are the Implications for Texas?," No. 1, (2009).

"The Political Economy of the Mutual Fund Revolution," Economic Inquiry, Vol. 46, (July 2008), pp. 454-479.

"Will New Business Tax Dull Texas' Competitive Edge?," (April 2008).

"Inequality and Economic Growth: Challenges to the Old Orthodoxy," Economics Letters, (2008).
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