

Cindy Riemenschneider

Professor - Information Systems & Business Analytics

Contact Information

Mailing Address:  One Bear Place #98005
Waco, TX  76706
Office Location:  Paul L. Foster Campus for Business and Innovation MIS Suite.310.36

Educational Background

  • PHD - Management Information Systems, University Of Texas Arlington
  • MBA - Business Administration, Baylor University
  • BBA - Management, Baylor University
  • BBA - Marketing, Baylor University

Work Experience

  • Helen Ligon Professorship in Information Systems, Baylor University (September 2015 - Present)
  • Professor, Baylor University (August 2013 - Present)
  • Associate Professor, Baylor University (August 2009 - August 2013)
  • Visiting Professor, Baylor University (August 2008 - July 2009)
  • Associate Professor, University of Arkansas (August 2003 - August 2008)
  • Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas (June 1997 - July 2003)

Awards and Honors

  • SIGMIS Leadership Excellence Award, Association of Computing Machinery (May 30, 2024)
  • AIS Women's Network Mentoring Award, Association for Information Systems (December 2019)
  • Distinctive Scholarship Award, Baylor University (April 2019)
  • Brent Clum Outstanding Research Award, Hankamer School of Business (April 2018)
  • Distinguished Professor Award, Hankamer School of Business (April 2018)
  • Holder of Helen Ligon Professorship in Information Systems, Hankamer School of Business (September 2015)
  • Robert and Robin Nitsche Outstanding Scholar, Hankamer School of Business (April 2015)
  • Magid Igbaria Outstanding Conference Paper, Associate of Computing Machinery (May 30, 2014)
  • Robert and Robin Nitsche Outstanding Scholar, Hankamer School of Business (December 2011)
  • Runner Up Best Paper Award, Americas Conference on IS 2011 (August 6, 2011)
  • Magid Igbaria Outstanding Paper Award, SIGMIS-ACM (April 2006)
  • High Performance Team Award, Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of AR (May 2001)

Licensures and Certifications

  • Harvard Higher Education Teaching Certificate, Harvard (May 15, 2021 - Present)

Professional Memberships

  • Chair/President, Special Interest Group on Mgt Information Systems (July 1, 2021 - Present)
  • Past President, Special Interest Group on Cognitive Research (January 2019 - December 2019)
  • President, Special Interest Group on Cognitive Research (January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018)
  • Special Interest Group on Cognitive Research (August 2016 - Present)
  • Special Interest Group on Social Inclusion (August 2015 - Present)
  • Association for Computing Machinery (August 1999 - Present)
  • Association for Information Systems (August 1995 - Present)


Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"The Development of the Perceived Distinctiveness Antecedent of Information Systems Professional Identity," MIS Quarterly, Vol. 45, No. 3, (September 2021), pp. 1149-1186 (coauthors: Deborah J. Armstrong).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"Is Cloud-Computing Allowing Business Units to be IT Self-Sufficient?," (December 2020) (coauthors: Alexis Sanchez Gonzalez, Gina C. Green).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Psychological Contract and Turnover Intention in the Information Technology Profession," Information Systems Management, Vol. 36, No. 2, (April 2019), pp. 111-125 (coauthors: Rene Moquin, Robin Wakefield).

"Why do Students not Major in MIS? An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior," Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 30, No. 2, (2019), pp. 111-126 (coauthors: Wallace Chipidza, Gina C. Green).

"Choosing Technology-Related Majors: What You Don't Know Can Influence You," Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol. 59, No. 1, (2019), pp. 1-14 (coauthors: Wallace Chipidza, Gina C. Green).

"Job Satisfaction on Agile Development Teams: Agile Development as Work Redesign," Journal of the Association for Information Systems, (September 2016) (coauthors: John Tripp, Jason Thatcher).

"Salient Beliefs in Majoring in MIS: An Elicitation Study," Information Systems Education Journal, Vol. 14, No. 4, (July 2016), pp. 69-80 (coauthors: Wallace Chipidza, Gina C. Green).

"The Influence of Ethnicity on Organizational Commitment and Merit Pay of IT Workers: The Role of Leader Support," Information Systems Journal, Vol. 26, No. 2, (March 2016), pp. 157-190 (coauthors: Jaime Windeler).

"Exhaustion from IS Career Experience: Implications for Turn-Away Intention," MIS Quarterly, Vol. 39, No. 3, (September 2015), pp. 713-727 (coauthors: Deborah J. Armstrong, Nita Brooks).

"The Politics of Emotion: Exploring Emotional Labor and Political Skill Across Job Types Within the IT/IS Profession," Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, The, Vol. 46, No. 3, (August 2015), pp. 52-73 (coauthors: Paige Rutner, Constance Campbell, Feruzan Williams).

"E-profiles, Conflict, and Shared Understanding in Distributed Teams," Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 16, No. 7, Article 1, (July 2015) (coauthors: Jaime Windeler, Likoebe Maruping, Lionel Robert).

"The Impact of Emotional Labor and Conflict-Management Style on Work Exhaustion of Information Technology Professionals," Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 36, No. Article 13, (July 2015) (coauthors: Paige Rutner).

"Academic integrity in the information age: Virtues of respect and responsibility," Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 127, (2015), pp. 579-590 (coauthors: Tracy Manley, Lori N.K. Leonard).

"The Impact of Career Mentoring and Psychosocial Mentoring on Affective Organizational Commitment, Job Involvement and Turnover Intention," Administration & Society, Vol. 45, No. 8, (October 2013), pp. 948-971 (coauthors: Christopher Craig, Myria Allen, Margaret Reid, Deborah J. Armstrong).

"Heterogeneity of IT Employees: An Analysis of a Model of Perceived Organizational Support by Job Type," Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, The, Vol. 42, No. 3, (September 2011), pp. 71-95 (coauthors: Janice Lo).

"Work Exhaustion in IT Professionals: The Impact of Emotional labor," Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, The, Vol. 42, No. 1, (February 2011), pp. 102-120 (coauthors: Paige Rutner, Bill Hardgrave, Anne O'Leary-Kelly).

"Students' Ethical Decision-Making in an Information Technology Context: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach," Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 22, No. 3, (Winter 2011), pp. 203-214.

"IT Professional Identity: Needs, Perceptions, and Belonging," European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 20, (January 2011), pp. 87-102 (coauthors: Nita Brooks, Bill Hardgrave, Anne O'Leary-Kelly).

"Perspectives on Challenges Facing Women in IS: the cognitive gender gap," European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 19, No. 5, (October 2010), pp. 526-539 (coauthors: Margaret Reid, Myria Allen, Deborah J. Armstrong).

"Voluntary Turnover and Women in IT: A Cognitive Study of Work-Family Conflict," Information & Management, Vol. 44, No. 2, (2007), pp. 142-153 (coauthors: Deborah J Armstrong, Margaret F Reid, Myria W. Allen).

"Challenges and Barriers Facing Women in the IT Work Force," Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, The, Vol. 4, (October 2006), pp. 58-78 (coauthors: Deborah J Armstrong, Myria W Allen, Margaret F Reid).

"Making Sense of the Barriers Women Face in the IT Work Force: Standpoint Theory, Self-Disclosure, and Cognitive Maps," Sex Roles: a journal of research, (2006), pp. 831-844 (coauthors: Myria W Allen, Deborah J Armstrong, Margaret F Reid).

"The Effects of Mentoring to Reduce Stress in a State IT Department during Times of Transformational Change," International Journal of Learning and Change, Vol. 1, No. 4, (2006), pp. 429-445 (coauthors: Deborah J Armstrong, Margaret F Reid, Myria W Allen).

"The Role of Laughter When Discussing Workplace Barriers: Women in Information Technology Jobs," Sex Roles: a journal of research, Vol. 50, No. 3/4, (February 2004), pp. 177-189 (coauthors: Myria W Allen, Margaret F Reid).

"Investigating Determinants of Software Developers’ Acceptance of Methodologies," Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 20, No. 1, (Summer 2003), pp. 123-151 (coauthors: Bill C Hardgrave, Fred Davis).

"Understanding IT Adoption Decisions in Small Business: Integrating Current Theories," Information & Management, Vol. 40, No. 4, (March 2003), pp. 269-285 (coauthors: David Harrison, Peter Jr. P Mykytyn).

"Explaining Developer Acceptance Of Formal Software Methodologies: A Comparison of Five Theoretical Models," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 12, (December 2002), pp. 1135-1145 (coauthors: Bill C Hardgrave, Fred Davis).

"What Small Business Executives Have Learned about Managing Information Technology," Information & Management, Vol. 37, No. 5, (August 2000), pp. 257-269 (coauthors: Peter Jr. P Mykytyn).

"Executive Decisions about Adoption of Information Technology in Small Business: Theory and Empirical Tests," Information Systems Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, (June 1997), pp. 171-195 (coauthors: David Harrison, Peter Jr. P Mykytyn).

"The Impact of Job Demands and Resources on Information Technology Job and Career Mobility: The Role of Burnout," Information Technology & People (coauthors: Sam Zaza, Deborah J. Armstrong).

Presentations and Proceedings

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