

Andrea Dixon

Executive Director - Center for Professional Selling
Professor - Marketing

Contact Information

Fax:  (254) 710-1068
Mailing Address:  One Bear Place #98007
Waco, TX  76706
Office Location:  Paul L. Foster Campus for Business and Innovation 229.229.02

Work Experience

  • Professor, Baylor University (2021 - Present)
  • Associate Professor of Marketing, Baylor University (2009 - 2020)
  • Executive Director, Center for Professional Selling, Baylor University (2009 - Present)
  • Executive Director, Keller Center for Research, Baylor University (2009 - 2018)
  • The Frank M. And Floy Smith Holloway Professorship in Marketing, Baylor University (2009 - Present)
  • Executive Director, MS-Marketing Program, University of Cincinnnati (2008 - 2009)
  • Ronald J. Dornoff Teaching Fellow, University of Cincinnati (2008 - 2009)
  • Academy for Teaching and Learning Fellow, University of Cincinnati (2007 - 2009)
  • Dean's Research Fellow, University of Cincinnati (2005 - 2008)
  • Scholar-In-Residence: Global Market Knowledge and Innovation Group, The Procter & Gamble Company (2005 - 2006)
  • Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati (2004 - 2009)
  • Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati (1998 - 2004)
  • Sr. Director, Product Development & Marketing, GAMA International (1996 - 1998)
  • Lecturer/Associate Instructor, Indiana University (1989 - 1996)
  • Research Director, Matzell, Richards, & Buckley Advertising (1988 - 1989)
  • VP, Director of Marketing, The Wedding Pages of Boston (1987 - 1988)
  • VP, Project Director/Research Associate, Dorr Research Corporation (1985 - 1988)
  • Asst. Account Executive/Traffic Manager, Welch, Currier, Smith Advertising (1984 - 1985)

Awards and Honors

  • AMA Sales Lifetime Achievement Award, American Marketing Association (2024)
  • State of Texas Piper Professor Award, State of Texas Comptroller (April 2023)
  • Top University Sales Program, Sales Education Foundation (2023)
  • Baylor University’s nominee for the Piper Professor Award, State of Texas Comptroller (November 2022)
  • Top University Sales Program, Sales Education Foundation (2022)
  • Top University Sales Program, Sales Education Foundation (2021)
  • Cornelia Marschall Smith Professor of the Year, Baylor University (2020)
  • Top University Sales Program, Sales Education Foundation (2020)
  • Top University Sales Program, Sales Education Foundation (2019)
  • Top University Sales Program, Sales Education Foundation (2018)
  • Top University Sales Program, Sales Education Foundation (2017)
  • Best Paper, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing (2016)
  • Top University Sales Program, Sales Education Foundation (2016)
  • MSI Research Award, Marketing Science Institute (2015)
  • Top University Sales Program, Sales Education Foundation (2015)
  • AMA Sales SIG Excellence in Teaching Award, American Marketing Association (2014)
  • Hankamer School of Business Teaching Excellence Award, Baylor University (2014)
  • Top University Sales Program, Sales Education Foundation (2014)
  • 3M Research Award, 3M Foundation (2013)
  • Top University Sales Program, Sales Education Foundation (2013)
  • Top University Sales Program, Sales Education Foundation (2012)
  • 3M Research Award, 3M Foundation (2011)
  • MSI Research Award, Marketing Science Institute (2011)
  • Top Sales Coach, World Collegiate Sales Open (2011)
  • Top University Sales Program, Sales Education Foundation (2011)
  • Top University Sales Program, Sales Education Foundation (2010)
  • Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning, University of Cincinnati (2009)
  • Ronald J. Dornoff Teaching Fellow 2008-2009, University of Cincinnati (2009)
  • Dean's Research Fellow 2005-2008, University of Cincinnati (2008)
  • Outstanding Marketing Teacher (Award Winner), Academy of Marketing Science (2008)
  • Grilliot Award (Nominee), University of Cincinnati (2006)
  • Inspiring Fine Arts Volunteer Award, Cincinnati, Ohio's Fine Arts Fund (2006)
  • Michael L. Dean Excellence in Classroom Education and Learning MBA Teaching Award, University of Cincinnati (2003)
  • Outstanding Marketing Teacher (Nominee), Academy of Marketing Science (2003)
  • Who's Who in Business Higher Education, Academic Keys (2003)
  • Best Research Article for Sales Area, American Marketing Association (2002)
  • Nominated for Best Paper in Track, AMA Summer Educators Conference (2002)
  • Volunteer of the Year (Fine Arts Fund), Cincinnati's National Day of Philanthropy (2002)
  • Videoconferencing Partnership Team with ITESM, Queretaro, University of Cincinnati (2001)
  • Arts Star Volunteer, Cincinnati Enquirer (2000)
  • Faculty Development Grant for Harvard Business School Art & Craft of Discussion Leadership, University of Cincinnati (2000)
  • Faculty Development Grant, Multimedia Technology Platform, University of Cincinnati (2000)
  • Featured in "Pro Bono Marketing -- A Winning Deal", Marketing News (2000)
  • Distinguished Professor, MBA Program, Indiana University (1995)
  • Irwin National Teaching Award, Irwin Publishing (1994)
  • Doctoral Consortium Fellow, American Marketing Association (1993)
  • Lieber Award for Teaching Excellence, Indiana University (1993)
  • Otteson Award for Undergraduate Teaching Excellence, Indiana University (1992)

Professional Memberships

  • Academy of Marketing Science
  • Board Member, American Marketing Association
  • Board Member, Global Sales Science Institute
  • Board Member, National Conference on Sales Management
  • Board Member, University Sales Center Alliance


Frank M. and Floy Smith Holloway Professor in Marketing
Executive Director of the Center for Professional Selling

Dr. Andrea Dixon provides academic leadership for Baylor University’s Center for Professional Selling. Since 2009, Dixon has built Baylor’s sales center into one of the top programs in the country, commemorated its 25th Anniversary (the oldest sales center in the U.S.), and edited the 30th Anniversary issue of the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. In 15 years, she grew the annual impact of the program from six students (avg. GPA: 2.7) to 168 students (avg. GPA: 3.65) and expanded the corporate partnership program from $15,000/year to >$400,000/year while contributing over $2M to endowment funds. The curricular/co-curricular competency-based model that she built is based on 12 B2B research-based competencies and 50 specific skills and allows ProSales to provide a 100% guaranteed placement for graduating Seniors and Junior-level internships.

Dixon has published in the Journal of Marketing, Harvard Business Review, Organizational Science, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Leadership Quarterly, European Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Journal of Marketing Education, and other journals. Dixon's research in the Journal of Marketing was the 2002 award-winner. She co-authored Strategic Sales Leadership and Sales Management (Third Edition) and her work on customer selection appears in The Oxford Handbook of Sales Management and Sales Strategy. Dr. Dixon previously served as the Regional Editor for the European Journal of Marketing and currently serves on the Editorial Review Boards for the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, and Journal of Marketing Education.

In 2024, the American Marketing Association’s Sales Special Interest Group named Dixon the Lifetime Achievement Award winner. Recognizing a scholar whose career has made a significant impact on sales scholarship, the Lifetime Achievement Award winner has had a personal impact on the field and other scholars, provided an enduring legacy through permanent contributions, shaped the field through a publication record, and developed internal (to their institution) and external (to the wider field) programs. In 2020, she was named the Cornelia Marschall Smith Award winner, presented annually to a Baylor faculty member who makes a superlative contribution to the learning environment at Baylor, including teaching, which is judged to be of the highest order of intellectual acumen and pedagogical effectiveness; research, which is recognized as outstanding by the national and/or international as well as local community of scholars; and service, which is regarded as exemplary in building the character of intellectual community at Baylor. In 2023, she was selected as a Piper Professor Award Winner, naming her one of the ten top university professors in the state of Texas.

Having completed her Ph.D. at Indiana University-Bloomington, Dixon has received numerous teaching awards: MBA Teaching Award (U.C.), Irwin Publishing’s national teaching award, Distinguished Professorship (I.U. MBA students), University-wide award (I.U.) and the Ronald J. Dornoff Teaching Fellow (U.C.). Dixon was named the International Academy of Marketing Science's Marketing Teacher Award winner in 2008. In 2014, she received the Excellence in Teaching Award from the American Marketing Association Sales SIG as well as the Hankamer School of Business Teaching Excellence award.

In addition to teaching PhD, master- and undergraduate-level students, she shares her research through both keynote addresses and executive trainings. As a member of Duke University’s Global Learning Resource Network for Executive Education, Dr. Dixon has addressed executives in London, Hong Kong, Mumbai, Mexico City, Dubai, Hyderabad, Paris, and throughout the United States. As a member of the academy, Dixon co-chaired several conferences: 2007 Winter AMA Educators, 2012 and 2017 Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI), and 2012 and 2016 3M Frontline Sales Conferences. She served on the boards of the AMA Academic Council, the National Conference on Sales Management, and the Global Sales Science Institute. She served as President of the AMA Sales SIG. She has served on several global, national, and regional non-profit boards. From 2019-2021, Dixon fulfilled the Presidency of the University Sales Center Alliance. At Baylor University, she served as the Chair of the President’s Task Force on Alternative Revenue, Vice-Chair of Baylor’s Presidential Search Committee, and as a Faculty Regent on the Baylor University Board of Regents.


Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Managers of Selling and Buying Organizations as Engineers of Employees' Networks," Industrial Marketing Management, (2021) (coauthors: Son Lam, Jeff JOhnson, Karen Flaherty).

"The Impact of Salesperson Interpersonal Mentalizing Skills on Coping and Burnout: The Critical Role of Coping Oscillation," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, (2021) (coauthors: Richard McFarland).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"Avoiding Burnout to Preserve Performance," (2021) (coauthors: Richard McFarland).

"Creating Success through Sales Influence Tactics," (2021) (coauthors: Richard McFarland).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management: Special Issue on Fostering International Collaboration in Sales Research," (2019).

"Journal for the Advancement of Marketing Education: Special Issue on Teaching Innovations in Sales Education," (2018) (coauthors: Tyrha Marie Lindsey).

"Journal for the Advancement of Marketing Education: Special Issue on Teaching Innovations in Sales Education," (2016) (coauthors: J. Peltier).

"Omni-Channel Research Framework in the Context of Personal Selling and Sales Management: A Review and Research Extensions," Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, (2016) (coauthors: Shannon Cummins, Jimmy W. Peltier).

"Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing: Special Issue on the Convergence of Interactive Marketing and Professional Selling and Sales Management," Vol. 18, (2015) (coauthors: J. Peltier).

"Professional Sales Coaching: An Integrative Review and Research Agenda," European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 49, No. 7/8, (2015) (coauthors: V. Badrinarayanan, V. L. West, G. M. Zank).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"Creating a Competitive Level of Engagement," (September 2014).

"Engineering Success for Your Agents," (March 2014) (coauthors: K. Flaherty, S. Lam, N. Lee, J. Mulki).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Does Supervisory Knowledge Shape Positive Salesperson Behaviors? Salesperson Knowledge as a Linking Mechanism," Vol. 25, (2014) (coauthors: Hunter, Gary, Tom Steenburgh, H.E. Ozkaya, J.M. Jung, N.H. Choi, R.O. Fabrize, Jr.).

"Journal of Marketing Education: Special Issue on Sales Education," Vol. 18, (2014) (coauthors: J. Peltier).

"The Convergence of Interactive Marketing and Personal Selling and Sales Management," Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, (2014) (coauthors: J. Peltier, M. Rodriguez).

Teaching and Learning Scholarship

"Developing a Stakeholder Approach for Recruiting Top-Level Sales Students," Journal of Marketing Education, Vol. April, (2014) (coauthors: Raj Agnihotri, Leff Bonney, Robert Erffmeyer, Ellen Bolman Pullins, Jane Sojka, Vicki West).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"Academic Placement Interview Presentation," (December 2013).

"Future Shock is Here: Information Overload and Today's Home Buyer," (December 2013).

"Help Me Buy: The Value of a Strong Routine," (December 2013).

"How Technology is Changing the Sales Environment," (March 2013) (coauthors: Jacob Christie, Curtis Schroeder, Mark Tarro, Dennis The).

"Keller Center Research Report: Intentionally Searchable and Global," (March 2013).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Global Sales Science Institute 2012 Conference Proceedings," (2012) (coauthors: Liisa Kairisto Mertanen).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"Research Priorities for the Decade," (2012) (coauthors: Bruce Robertson).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Creating the Future for Sales and Sales Management Research, (Winter).," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, (Winter 2012) (coauthors: Jeff Tanner).

"Social Network Theory and the Sales Manager Role: Engineering the Right Relationship Flows," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, (Winter 2012) (coauthors: Karen Flaherty, Son Lam, Nicholas Lee, Jay Mulki).

"Transforming Selling: Why It is Time to Think Differently About Sales Research," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, (Winter 2012) (coauthors: Jeff Tanner).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"Getting Off to a Fast Start," (March 2011) (coauthors: Bruce Robertson).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Customer Selection to Acquire, Retain and Grow," , 2011 (coauthors: Ken LeMeunier-Fitzhugh, Nigel Piercy, David W. Cravens).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"Personal "Touch" Portfolio: Connecting with the Right Clients to Grow Your Business," (June 2010).

"Bouncing Back Following Failure," (October 2009).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"The Complexities of Sales and Sales Management Research: A Historical Analysis from 1990 to 2005," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, (Fall 2008) (coauthors: Robert Carter, William Moncrief).

"Marketing Theory and Applications," Vol. 18, (2007) (coauthors: Karen Machleit).

"Research in Selling and Sales Management: An Agenda from Sales Practitioners," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, (Summer 2006) (coauthors: Bruce Robertson, David Curry).

"Old Hand or New Blood?," Harvard Business Review, Vol. July, (2006) (coauthors: F. Cespedes, A. Gardner, S. Kerr, R. Kelley).

"Corrigendum to ‘Distributed Leadership in Teams: The Network of Leadership Perceptions and Team Performance’," The Leadership Quarterly, (2006) (coauthors: Ajay Mehra, Brett Smith, Bruce Robertson).

"Distributed Leadership in Teams: The Network of Leadership Perceptions and Team Performance," The Leadership Quarterly, (2006) (coauthors: Ajay Mehra, Brett Smith, Bruce Robertson).

"The Social Network Ties of Group Leaders: Implications for Group Performance and Leader Reputation," Organization Science, (2006) (coauthors: Ajay Mehra, Daniel Brass, Bruce Robertson).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"Systems for Success: Finding the Right People," (2006) (coauthors: Carol Walsh).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Bouncing Back: How Salesperson Optimism and Self Efficacy Influence Attributions and Behaviors Following Failure," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, (Fall 2005) (coauthors: Susan Schertzer).

Teaching and Learning Scholarship

"The Scholarship of Teaching in Sales Education," Marketing Education Review, (Summer 2005) (coauthors: Rolph Anderson, Eli Jones, Mark Johnston, Raymond LaForge, Greg Marshall, John Tanner, Jr.).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Key Accounts and Team Selling: Review, Framework, and Research Agenda," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, (Spring 2005) (coauthors: Eli Jones, Larry Chonko, Joseph Cannon).

Strategic Sales Leadership: BREAKthrough Thinking for Breakthrough Results, 2005 (coauthors: Jerry Bauer, Thomas Ingram, Eli Jones, Raymond LaForge, Thomas Leigh, Greg Marshall, Michael Morris).

Teaching and Learning Scholarship

"Exploring the 'Lone Wolf' Phenomenon in Student Teams," Journal of Marketing Education, Vol. 27, No. 1, (2005) (coauthors: Terri Barr, Jule Gassenheimer).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Early Success: How Attributions for Sales Success Shape Inexperienced Salespersons' Behavioral Responses," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, (Winter 2005) (coauthors: Lukas Forbes, Susan Schertzer).

"Dysfunctional Behavior among Sales Representatives: The Impact of Supervisory Trust, Participation, and Information Controls," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, (Summer 2004) (coauthors: N. Choi, Jae-Min Jung).

"Listening Begins at Home," Harvard Business Review, (November 2003) (coauthors: James Stengel, Chris Allen).

"Attributions and Behavioral Intentions of Inexperienced Salespersons to Failure: An Empirical Investigation," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, (Fall 2003) (coauthors: Rosann Spiro, Lukas Forbes).

"Identifying the Lone Wolf: A Team Perspective," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, (Summer 2003) (coauthors: Jule Gassenheimer, Terri Barr).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"Systems for Success: Building the Right People," (2003) (coauthors: Carol Walsh, Lukas Forbes, Jule Gassenheimer).

"Systems for Success: Keeping the Right People," (2003) (coauthors: Bruce Robertson, Susan Schertzer, Carol Walsh).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Bridging the Distance Between Us: How Initial Responses to Sales Team Conflict Help Shape Core Selling Team Outcomes," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, (Fall 2002) (coauthors: Jule Gassenheimer, Terri Barr).

"Successful and Unsuccessful Sales Calls: Measuring Salesperson Attributions and Behavioral Intentions," Journal of Marketing, (July 2001) (coauthors: Rosann Spiro, Maqbul Jamil).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"Industry Priorities," (2001) (coauthors: Bruce Robertson).

"Not Everyone Wants Wheat Bread...Varying Your Attraction Approach by Candidate Segment," (July 1999) (coauthors: W. Scott Anders).

"Desktop Masters: Marketing and Positioning Your Sales Organization," (1998).

"Desktop Masters: Recruiting and Selection," (1998).

"Making Sense of Recruiting & Selection in a Changing World: A Future Forum," (1996).

"Industry Research Udpate: Focus on Recruiting and Training," (1995).

"A Study of Agency Recruiting and Selection Practices," (1995) (coauthors: Frank Acito, Scott MacKenzie, Philip Podsakoff).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Sellers and Buyers on the Boundary: Potential Moderators of Role Stress-Job Outcome Relationships," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, (Winter 1994) (coauthors: Ronald Michaels).

"The Impact of Value Judgments on Consumer Satisfaction," Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction & Complaining Behavior, Vol. 6, (1993) (coauthors: Richard Spreng, Richard Olshavsky).

Presentations and Proceedings

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Where Sales Education Has Been and Where it is Heading," presented at the 2021 Sales Educators Academy, June 2021.

"Creating Partner Value," presented at the USCA Conference, 2021.
Border Title