Classroom Layout Page
Click the floor of Hankamer Cashion Building you would like to view.
Click the classroom in Hankamer Cashion Building you would like to view.


Computer carts are available for reservation. The availability of these carts is subject to, and may be overridden by, their priority use as backup systems for classrooms.



Floor 1

Floor 2

Floor 3

Floor 4

Kayser Auditorium


Southwest Securities Capital Markets Investments Center1st Floor -- Opened Spring 2005

                       Picture 1                          Picture 2                          Picture 3

Advanced Technology Lab 200

HCB 101

HCB 103

HCB 105

HCB 106

HCB 107

HCB 109

HCB 110

HCB 111

HCB 203

HCB 205

HCB 206

HCB 207

HCB 210

HCB 300

HCB 301

HCB 302

HCB 303

HCB 304

HCB 305

HCB 306

HCB 307

HCB 308

HCB 309

HCB 311

HCB 400

HCB 402

HCB 403

HCB 404

HCB 405

HCB 406

HCB 407

HCB 408

HCB 409

HCB 410

HCB 411

HCB 413

Hankamer 1st Floor Classrooms (H)





H100  - Sales Lab -  NO Reservations

Changing Overhead Projector Bulbs