Other chapters in this book


Using This Book to Build Teamwork in Your Ministry (pages 1-2)


A Philosophy of Christian Management (pages 3-5)

Ministry as teamwork

Teamwork makes a difference


CHAPTER 1: Personal Productivity in Your Ministry (pages 6-13)

Ministry effectiveness and efficiency

Ministry strategy and operations

Balancing people and productivity in your ministry


CHAPTER 2: Ministry Goal-Setting (pages 14-17)

Making goals work for you

Operationalizing goals

Management by mission


CHAPTER 3: Ministry Planning and Control (pages 18-27)

Ministry planning in perspective

Organic planning

Two-way planning

Developing a fertile planning climate

Brushfire management

Controlling ministry management

How control gets out of control


CHAPTER 4: Ministry Decision-Making (pages 28-38)

Work smarter rather than harder

Profile of the poor decision-maker

Who decides

Understanding ministry problem-solving


CHAPTER 5: Ministry Leadership (pages 39-47)

The essence of Christian leadership

Leadership vision

Body-based leadership

Managing like a leader


CHAPTER 6: Ministry Motivation (pages 48-55)

The wellspring of management

Management is a lifestyle

Spiritual principles of management

Ministry morale


CHAPTER 7: Ministry Teamwork (pages 56-62)

Growing teamwork

Team health

Team building


CHAPTER 8: Managing Ministry Conflict (pages 63-75)

Conflict: friend or foe?

Strategies for resolving conflict

Working smarter rather than harder

Successful change strategy


CHAPTER 9: Ministry Communication (pages 76-86)

The real meaning of communication

The role of perception and expectations in communication

Situational communication

Building relationships through communication


CHAPTER 10: Staffing and Professional Development in Christian Organizations (pages 87-93)

Catalysts to personal productivity

Catalysts to team productivity