TKE Parents Day 2002

TKE letters greeted fraters and their families at the Parents Weekend event, Sept. 21, 2002, at Touchdown Ally.

The fraters designed their own green and gold t-shirts for Parents Weekend,
shown above as modeled by Jeff Bisetti.

Chris Fields did a great job setting up the tents and cooking the hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken that was served to the 48 people who attended. His mother, Claudia Fields, also helped.

Cody Campbell of Waco, a past prytanis shown on left, helped set up the site along with Matt Baldwin (now a graduate student), and Charlie Stephenson, right, TKE Service Chair.


Plenty of parents attended, including Sharon and Mike Knox shown above with their son Travis. Their son Josh was a Teke also. Josh is now doing PhD studies in New York.

Tony Lagera and his entire family from Austin attended. His dad, Tony (in white hat), was initiated a new TKE.

Everyone was all smiles, and the weather was perfect. Prior to the tailgate, the Tekes held a rush event on the lake.

Mike Katcher digs in as Charlie 's mom, Jane, sets out more plates. On the far right is Claudia Fields, Chris' mother who helped at the event.

One of the fun things to do was to relax and talk about who was going to win (Baylor did!)

The parents of John Spates fill their plates.

Dr. Mo and a past prytanis Jake Podewils.

Charlie Stephenson, left, and his father, also Charlie, from Plano, get everything ready for Parents Weekend.

Big bro Jake with little bro Jeff!

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