Keith Richards
Associate Professor - Marketing
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
One Bear Place #98007 Waco, TX 76706
Office Location:
Paul L. Foster Campus for Business and Innovation 220.10
Educational Background
PHD - Marketing, University Of Houston Main Campus
MBA - Marketing, Indiana University Bloomington
BA - Journalism, Baylor University
Work Experience
Associate Professor of Marketing, Baylor University (July 1, 2015 - Present)
Awards and Honors
Teaching Excellence Award, Hankamer School of Business (April 2024)
James M. Comer Award for Best Contribution to Selling and Sales Management Theory, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management (2016)
College Outstanding Service Award, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (2014)
Best in Track, Product Development Track, Academy of Marketing Science Conference (2009)
James M. Comer Award for Best Contribution to Selling and Sales Management Theory, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management (2009)
Dissertation Research Grant Winner, American Marketing Association, Selling and Sales Management Special Interest Group (2006)
Doctoral Fellow, National Conference in Sales Management (2006)
Outstanding Teacher, Program for Excellence in Selling, University of Houston (2006)
Provost's Graduate Assistant Teaching Award, University of Houston (2006)
Doctoral Fellow, National Conference in Sales Management (2005)
Basic or Discovery Scholarship
"Driving In-Role and Extra-Role Brand Performance among Retail Frontline Salespeople: Antecedents and the Moderating Role of Customer Orientation,"
Journal of Retailing, Vol. 95, No. 2, (June 2019), pp. 130-143 (coauthors: Douglas E Hughes, Roger Calantone, Brian Baldus, Richard A Spreng).
"On the nature of international sales and sales management research: A social network–analytic perspective,"
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, (January 2018) (coauthors: Wyatt Schrock, Yanhui Zhao, Douglas Hughes, Mohammad Sakif Amin).
"JPSSM Since the Beginning: Intellectual Cornerstones, Knowledge Structure, and Thematic Developments,"
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Vol. 36, No. 4, (December 2016), pp. 321-343 (coauthors: Wyatt A. Schrock, Yanhui Zhao, Douglas E. Hughes).
"Better together: trait competitiveness and competitive psychological climate as antecedents of salesperson organizational commitment and sales performance,"
Marketing Letters, Vol. 27, No. 2, (2016), pp. 351-360 (coauthors: Wyatt A Schrock, Douglas E Hughes, Frank Q Fu, Eli Jones).
"Salesperson Attributions: Evaluating the Impact of Timing of Prior Actions,"
Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, The, Vol. 17, No. 2, (2012), pp. 1-7 (coauthors: Frank Q. Fu).
"Motivating salespeople to sell new products: The relative influence of attitudes, subjective norms, and self-efficacy,"
Journal of Marketing, Vol. 74, No. 6, (2010), pp. 61–76 (coauthors: Frank Q Fu, Douglas E Hughes, Eli Jones).
"Tracking and updating academic research in selling and sales management: A decade later,"
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Vol. 30, No. 3, (2010), pp. 253–271 (coauthors: William C Moncrief, Greg W Marshall).
"Developing a strategic framework of key account performance,"
Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 17, No. 3-4, (2009), pp. 221–235 (coauthors: Eli Jones, Diane Halstead, Frank Q Fu).
"Key account management: Adding elements of account fit to an integrative theoretical framework,"
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Vol. 29, No. 4, (2009), pp. 305–320 (coauthors: Eli Jones).
"The motivation hub: Effects of goal setting and self-efficacy on effort and new product sales,"
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Vol. 29, No. 3, (2009), pp. 277–292 (coauthors: Frank Q Fu, Eli Jones).
"Why Study Intraorganizational Issues in Selling and Sales Management?,"
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 169-171 (coauthors: Willy Bolander).
Presentations and Proceedings