Minutes of 2000 ABO Annual Meeting


ABO offices and member present: Tim Fogarty, Jane Kennedy, Charles Davis, Seleshi Sisaye, Sue Haka, Don Finn, Joe Fisher, Stacey Whitecotton, and others (30 in total).

 Tim Fogarty presided.  Joe Fisher recorded the minutes.

 Tim Fogarty described the accomplishments of the part year which included establishing a strong financial position and fostering harmony within the group.

 Jane Kennedy passed out the minutes from the previous ABO meeting.  The minutes were approved.

Stacey Whitecotton reported on the manuscripts received for the AAA national meetings.  41 manuscripts were received which was a slight decrease from the previous year.  She also asked for panel discussion suggestions and a paper review coordinator for next year. 

Seleshi Sisaye reported on the results on the ABO election for president-elect and secretary/treasurer (President-elect is Charles Davis, Secretary/Treasurer is Stacey Whitecotton).

Dennis Bline reported on the upcoming ABO Research Conference to be held in Chicago.  He asked for volunteers for moderators and discussants.  There were 43 submissions to the conference.  He also stressed the need for finding future conference cites and coordinators.

Sandra Vera Munoz presented the 1999 Outstanding Dissertation Doctoral Award to Jennifer Joe.

Joe Fisher presented the Treasurer’s Report.  He identified BRIA, the Research Conference, and AAA allocations as the main cash outflows.  The financial condition of the section improved slightly over last year.

Marlys Lipe presented the Lifetime Contribution Award to Robert Libby.

 Tim Fogarty presented and discussed several items: 

Sue Haka reported on the journal (BRIA).  Handout is attached.  Sue provided statistics on the journal and these statistics are included in the handout.  The number of issues of BRIA (one or two) was also discussed.  Financial considerations were the major impediment to more journal issues.

Jane Kennedy recognized the outgoing chair (Tim Fogarty) for his service.  She presented a plaque to Tim Fogarty.  Jane said she wanted to move the section forward.  She stressed the need for high quality submissions to BRIA and asked all in attendance to send their research papers to BRIA.  She also discussed the Research Conference and expressed her concerns with the conference for the year 2001.  She noted that she will be in France for several months and given the late date, the section will have difficulty pulling the conference together.  She also stressed the need for high-energy volunteers.

Move to adjourn and seconded.  All in favor.