The ABO Reporter


Seleshi Sisaye

I am pleased to report that the ABO Section had a very successful 1998-99 academic year. The ABO Board of Officers and I worked on a number of important policy issues during the year. They include:

1. Publications Manual:
Last April, the ABO Section posted the Publications Manual on its web site and emailed it to members. The manual covers the Section's journal - BRIA, its newsletter - ABO Reporter , and its web site. The manual has been approved by the Board of Officers. For your information, it is also included in this newsletter.

2. Operating Policies and Procedures Manual:
Tim Fogarty, Case Western Reserve University, as Chair-Elect, is working on the Section's Operating Policies and Procedures Manual. The manual covers committees and business meetings, as well as conferences. The bylaws will be voted on at the August 1999 ABO business meeting in San Diego. The Operating Policies and Procedures Manual will be discussed at the August meeting.

3. Section Activities:
During the 1998-99 academic year, the Section organized the 1998 Research Conference in Orlando, Florida. It published two issues of BRIA: Volume 10, Supplement, containing the 1997 accepted Research Conference papers, and Volume 11 of the regular issue of the journal.

Volume 12, which will be a slightly larger issue than usual, is scheduled to go to the printer late this summer. Volume 13 will be the first issue under editor Sue Haka, who will also be the editor for Volumes 14 and 15. Volume 13 will include several papers accepted by previous editor, Don Finn.

a. 1999 ABO Research Conference:
The 1999 Conference co-chaired by Chee Chow, San Diego State University, and Joan Luft, Michigan State University, is scheduled for October 8-9 in Los Angeles, California. The 1999 Mid-year Business meeting will be held in conjunction with the conference. We hope you will be able to participate at the conference as paper presenters, discussants, moderators and/or attendees.

b. Year 2000 ABO Research Conference:
The Board has appointed Mark Haskins, University of Virginia, and Ken Ferris, American Graduate School of Management, as Co-Chairs (Co-Coordinators) of the year 2000 Research Conference. Both Mark and Ken have served the section in several capacities: Mark is currently Chair of the Nominations Committee and has served as Chair and Vice Chair - Regions. Ken served as Chair and Editor of BRIA. They are working with AAA and are in the process of selecting a site and a hotel for the conference.

c. 1999 AAA Annual Meeting:
The 1999 ABO Business meeting in August in San Diego is under preparation. The agenda for the meeting calls for approval of the proposed bylaws, plans for the 1999 and 2000 Research Conferences, and discussions of the Section's Operating Policies and Procedures Manuals and Publications Policies. You are invited to attend and participate in the business meeting. The officers welcome suggestions that will improve the section's ability to better serve you.

Stacey Whitecotton, the 1999 AAA/ABO Annual Program Coordinator, has organized several ABO Research Paper Sessions. Due to her hard work, the ABO Section is well represented at the AAA Annual Meeting. We hope that you will be able to attend these sessions and encourage you to submit papers for the Year 2000 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia.

d. Awards:
Sandra Vera-Munoz, University of Notre Dame, Chair of the ABO Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee, reported that John Barrick, University of Nebraska is the winner of the award. John is currently affiliated with Northeastern University. The title of John's dissertation is "The Effects of Experience on External Information Search Performance: Implications for Tax Professionals' Knowledge Structure." I would like to thank Sandra and the members of her committee: Laureen Maines, Indiana University; Brian Spilker, Brigham Young University, and Rich Houston, University of Alabama, for their time and contribution to the award committee.

4. ABO Trustees:
Finally, I would like to recognize the continued support and guidance the ABO Section has received from the trustees and AAA. The Section will miss Mary Stone, University of Alabama, and Andy Bailey, University of Illinois, who will finish their term as Trustees of the ABO Section in August 1999. I have been privileged to work with them and Craig Polhemus, AAA Executive Director, on ABO activities. With their support and expert advice, the Board has successfully revised the bylaws pending member approval, and developed publication and operating policies and procedures manuals on a timely basis.

On behalf of the ABO Officers and the Section, I would like to thank them and express my appreciation for their contribution to the ABO Section.

Seleshi Sisaye
Duquesne University

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