Reports from Overseas Country Coordinators

Joan M. Amat (Spain)

Joan reports that this has been a particularly interesting period for him and his colleagues in Spain.

Salvador Carmona (Universidad Carlos 111), Hanno Roberts (Universidad Carlos 111), and Angel Saez (UNED) organized a doctoral colloquium on management accounting. The colloquium was held in Madrid in April 1994 and sponsored by ASEPUC, the Spanish Association of University Professors in Accounting.

Joan Amat (Universidad Carlos 111) and Oriol Amat (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) organized a workshop titled Strategic Control: New Trends. The workshop was held in Barcelona in October 1994 and sponsored by AECA, the Spanish Accounting Association.

Javier Ubeda (Instituto de Empresa) and Joan Amat (Universidad de Valencia) and Javier Ubeda (Instituto de Empresa) have organized a workshop titled Strategic Control which will be held in Madrid in July 1995.

Tom Groot (Netherlands)

Tom reports that the Maastrict Accounting and Audit Research Center (MARC) is organizing the third Advanced Course in Management Accounting Research. The course is open for PhD students and researchers in management accounting and management control. The course will be held at the Free University in Amsterdam. Information about the course is available from Mrs. Els van Aernsbergen or Tom Groot (Tel. 31 43 883719, Fax 32 43 258520). Also, from May 31 to June 2 the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) will hold the Second Seminar on Manufacturing Research in Brugge, Belgium. For information please call Mrs. Paul Dirks or Mr. Jacques Theeuwes (Tel. 31 40 473841, Fax 31 43 451275).

Karl Lukka (Finland)

Karl reports on two reports by Finnish researchers:
  1. "Knowledge in Accounting - An Applied Phenomenological Perspective" (1994) by Ari Manninen, PhD Thesis, University of Jyvaskyla.
  2. "The Action-Oriented Approach And Case Study Method in Management Studies" (1994) by Pekka Pihlanto. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 10 (4), pp. 369-382.