Nominations for Section Officers

Section V, part 6 of the section By-Laws provide that a nominating committee consisting of the immediate Past Chair, the Chair and Vice Chair shall present a slate of candidates for the positions of Vice-Chairs and Secretary-Treasurer. The slate shall also include nominations for the aforementioned officers made by the membership. To qualify for inclusion on the slate, said nominations from the membership must include signatures of at least five members, no more than two of which shall be currently affiliated with the same employer. Said nominations must be postmarked and mailed to the Secretary-Treasurer no later than April 1 preceding the annual meeting. For additional election details consult the By-Laws published in an earlier issue of the ABO Reporter.

Please send nominations to:

Dennis Bline
Accounting Department
College of Business
1150 Douglas Pike
Bryant College
Smithfield, RI 02917-1284

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