

Mitchell Neubert

Senior Associate Dean and Chavanne Chair of Christian Ethics in Business - Management

Contact Information

Mailing Address:  One Bear Place #98006
Waco, TX  76706
Office Location:  Paul L. Foster Campus for Business and Innovation 216.02

Work Experience

  • Chavanne Chair of Christian Ethics in Business, Baylor University (August 2006 - Present)
  • H. R. Gibson Professor of Management Development, Baylor University (August 2002 - August 2009)
  • Director of Masters of Organizational Change and Development Programs, Bowling Green State University (June 2000 - June 2002)
  • Fellow, Institute for the Study of Religion

Awards and Honors

  • Top 2% of the most cited researchers in 22 disciplines, Stanford University (August 1, 2024)
  • Best Paper Award in Journal of Management Spirituality and Religion, Management, Spirituality, and Religion Interest Group (March 2022)
  • Research Advancement Award, Hankamer School of Business (April 7, 2021)
  • Distinguished Professor Award, Hankamer School of Business (2016)
  • Teaching Excellence Award, Hankamer School of Business (2013)
  • National Science Foundation Grant (2009)

Professional Memberships

  • Academy of Management (1994 - Present)


Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Servant Leadership Across the GLOBE: Assessing Universal and Culturally Contingent Relevance in Organizational Contexts," Journal of World Business, Vol. 57, No. 2, (February 2022), pp. 101268 (coauthors: Mary Sully de Luque, Matt Quade, Emily M Hunter).

"Modeling Character: Servant Leaders, Incivility and Patient Outcomes," Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 178, (2022), pp. 261-278 (coauthors: Emily M Hunter, Remy Tolentino).

"Win-At-All-Costs? Exploring Bottom-line Mentality as a Buffer between Athletic Director Servant Leadership and Coach Commitment," Journal of Applied Sport Management (formerly Journal of Sport Administration and Supervision), (November 2021) (coauthors: Matthew Robinson, Jun Woo Kim, Marshall J Magnusen).

"Servant leadership from multiple domains and follower work behavior," Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, Vol. 18, No. 4, (August 2021), pp. 272-292 (coauthors: Ju-Chien C. Wu, Kevin D. Dougherty).

"Servant leadership, leader effectiveness, and the role of political skill: A study of interscholastic sport administrators and coaches," International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, Vol. 16, No. 2, (2021), pp. 291-303 (coauthors: Matthew Robinson, Marshall J Magnusen, Glenn Allen Miller).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"Virtue as a framework for the design and use of artificial intelligence," Business Horizons, Vol. 63, No. 2, (March 2020), pp. 195-204 (coauthors: George D Montañez).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Why Believe? The Promise of Research on the Role of Religion in Entrepreneurial Action," Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Vol. 11, (February 2019) (coauthors: Brett Smith, Michael Conger, Jeffrey McMullen).

"Prosperity Beliefs and Value Orientations: Fueling or Suppressing Entrepreneurial Activity," Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 58, No. 2, (2019), pp. 475-493 (coauthors: Kevin D. Dougherty, Jerry Z. Park).

"Espoused Religious Values in Organizations and Their Associations with Applicant Intentions to Pursue a Job," Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 34, No. 6, (2019), pp. 803-823 (coauthors: Matthew S Wood).

"With or Without Spirit: Implications for Scholarship and Leadership," Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol. 33, No. 3, (2019), pp. 253-263.

"Development of The Integration Profile (TIP) Faith and Work Integration Scale," Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 159, No. 2, (2019), pp. 455-471 (coauthors: David Miller, Timothy Ewest).

"Social Purpose Increases Direct-to-Borrower Microfinance Investments By Reducing Physiologic Arousal," Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, Vol. 11, No. 2, (2018), pp. 116-126 (coauthors: Adriana Kraig, Cosette Cornelis, Elizabeth T Terris, Matthew S Wood, Jorge A Barraza, Paul Zak).

"The Role of Spiritual Capital in Innovation and Performance: Evidence from Developing Economies," Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol. 41, No. 4, (July 2017), pp. 621-640 (coauthors: Steve Bradley, Retno Ardianti, Edward Simiyu).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"Putting servant leadership to the test and doing away with skepticism," (2017) (coauthors: Emily M Hunter).

Teaching and Learning Scholarship

"Developing courage through the Ethics SLAM!.," , 2017 (coauthors: Alejo José G. Sison, Blaine McCormick).

"Teaching and training virtues: Behavioral measurement and pedagogical approaches.," , 2017.

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"A servant leader and their stakeholders: When does organizational structure enhance a leader's influence?," Leadership Quarterly, The, Vol. 27, (December 2016), pp. 896-910 (coauthors: Emily M Hunter, Remy Tolentino).

Teaching and Learning Scholarship

""HealthSouth Rehabilitation CFO: How Can You Turn the Wagon Around?"," No. October 2016, (October 2016) (coauthors: Marlene Mints Reed).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Developing sustainable management theory: goal-setting theory based in virtue," Management Decision, Vol. 54, No. 2, (2016), pp. 304-320 (coauthors: Bruno Dyck).

"Ethical Attitudes of Business Professionals in China 2 and the United States: Same or Different?," Journal of Business Inquiry, Vol. 15, No. 2, (2016), pp. 55-84 (coauthors: Joe McKinney, Leslie E. Palich).

Teaching and Learning Scholarship

"Formation of the mind and heart in Christian universities," Christian Scholar's Review, Vol. 45, (Fall 2015).

"Chick-fil-A: Responding to Activists' Threats," Vol. 12, No. 2015, (July 2015) (coauthors: Peter Neilson, Marlene Reed, Theodore Waldron). Reed, Marlene M., Neubert, Mitchell, and Waldron, Ted (2015). Chick-fil-A: Responding to Activists' Threats, Volume 12.

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"Integrating Faith and Work," Christian Reflection, Vol. 56, (2015) (coauthors: Kevin Baylor University).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Called to Commitment: An Examination of Relationships Between Spiritual Calling, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment," Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 132, No. 4, (September 2014), pp. 859-872 (coauthors: Katie Halbesleben).

Teaching and Learning Scholarship

Organizational Behavior: Wiley, 2014 (coauthors: Bruno Dyck).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"Entrepreneurs feel closer to God than the rest of us do," Harvard Business Review, Vol. 91, No. 10, (October 2013), pp. 32-33 (coauthors: Alison Beard). Interview discussing my research

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Servant Leaders Inspire Servant Followers: Antecedents and outcomes for Employees and the Organization," Leadership Quarterly, The, Vol. 24, No. 2, (April 2013), pp. 316-331 (coauthors: Emily M Hunter, Sara Perry, L A Witt, Lisa M Penney, Evan Weinberger).

"The Influence of Ethical Leadership and Regulatory Focus on Employee Outcomes," Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 23, No. 2, (April 2013), pp. 269-296 (coauthors: Ju-Chien C. Wu, Jim Roberts).

Teaching and Learning Scholarship

"Insider trading: The case of Rajat Gupta and Goldman Sachs," (2013).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Three Alternatives to Organizational Value Change and Formation: Top Down, Spontaneous Decentralized, and Interactive Dialogical," Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, The, Vol. 48, No. 3, (September 2012), pp. 380-409 (coauthors: Michael Boniface, Michael Rashmi).

"Introduction: The Value of Virtue to Management and Organizational Theory and Practice," Canadian Journal of Administrative Science, Vol. 28, No. 3, (September 2011), pp. 227-230. This is the introductory article for a special issue on virtues in organizations that I edited.

Teaching and Learning Scholarship

"General Electric: Ecoimagination as a CSR initiative," Journal of Business Ethics Education, Vol. 8, (2011), pp. 245-254 (coauthors: Marlene Reed).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"The Effects of Ethical Codes on Ethical Perceptions of Actions Toward Stakeholders," Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 97, No. 4, (December 2010), pp. 505-516 (coauthors: (Nakao) Tisha Emerson, Joe McKinney).

Teaching and Learning Scholarship

"An Ethical Leadership Opportunity for BlueCava," (2010).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Action Commitments," , 2009 (coauthors: Ju-Chien C. Wu).

"The Virtuous Influence of Ethical Leadership Behavior: Evidence from the Field," Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 90, No. 2, (2009), pp. 157-170 (coauthors: Dawn S. Carlson, K M Kacmar, Jim Roberts, Larry Chonko).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

Management: Current practices and New Directions, 2009 (coauthors: Bruno Dyck).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Unchaining Weber's Iron Cage: A Look at What Managers can do.," Christian Scholar's Review, Vol. 38, No. 1, (2008), pp. 41-60 (coauthors: Bruno Dyck, Kenman Wong).

"The influence of leader regulatory focus on employee creativity," Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 23, (2008), pp. 587-602 (coauthors: Ju-Chien C. Wu, Jeffery McMullen).

"Regulatory Focus as a Mediator of the Influence of Initiating Structure and Servant Leadership on Employee Behavior," Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 93, No. 6, (2008), pp. 1220-1233 (coauthors: K M Kacmar, Dawn S. Carlson, Larry Chonko, Jim Roberts).

"A cognitive (attributions)-emotion model of observer reactions to free-riding poor performers," Journal of Business and Psychology, (2008) (coauthors: S. Taggar).

"Causes and consequences of managerial failure in rapidly changing organizations," Business Horizons, Vol. 50, No. 2, (2007), pp. 145-155 (coauthors: C. Longenecker, L. Fink).

"The influence of leader regulatory focus on employee creativity.," Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings, (2007) (coauthors: Ju-Chien C. Wu, Jeffery McMullen).

"Transformational leadership, cohesion perceptions, and employee cynicism about organizational change: The mediating role of justice perceptions.," Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, The, Vol. 43, No. 3, (2007), pp. 327-351 (coauthors: Ju-Chien C. Wu).

"An investigation of the generalizability of the Houghton and Neck Revised Self-leadership Questionnaire to a Chinese context," Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 21, No. 4, (2006), pp. 360-373 (coauthors: Ju-Chien C. Wu).

"The role of conscientiousness and extraversion in affecting the relationship between perceptions of group potency and volunteer group member selling behavior: An interactionist perspective.," Human Relations, Vol. 59, No. 9, (2006), pp. 1235-1260 (coauthors: S. Taggar, S. H. Cady).

"The practices of effective managerial coaches," Business Horizons, Vol. 48, No. 6, (2005), pp. 493-500 (coauthors: C. Longenecker).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"What you need to know about change," (October 2004), pp. 9.

"Why managers fail in rapidly changing organizations: Top Ten Causes," (October 2004), pp. 27 (coauthors: Longenecker).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Pathways to Informal Leadership: The Moderating Role of Gender on the Relationship of Individual Differences and Team Member Network Centrality to Informal Leadership Emergence.," The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 15, (2004), pp. 175-194 (coauthors: S. Taggar).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"The Emergence of Women in Healthcare Leadership: Transforming the Impact of Gender Differences.," The Journal of Men's Health & Gender, Vol. 1, No. 4, (2004), pp. 383-387 (coauthors: L. D. Palmer).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"The impact of poor performers on team outcomes: An empirical examination of attribution theory.," Personnel Psychology, Vol. 57, (2004), pp. 935-968 (coauthors: S. Taggar).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

Why managers fail in rapidly changing organizations: Top Ten Causes. American Management Association Executive Matters Newsletter. (2004)(Co-author, c. Longenecker)

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Creating a Group Culture through Group Systems: An Example of Integrating Academic Research into Consulting Practice.," Organization Development Journal, Vol. 21, No. 2, (2003), pp. 20-27.

"The management development needs of front-line managers: voices from the field.," Career Development International, Vol. 8, No. 4, (2003), pp. 210-218 (coauthors: C. Longenecker).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"Creating job clarity: HR's role in improving organizational focus and performance," Vol. 9, No. 4, (2003), pp. 17-21 (coauthors: C. Longenecker).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Multilevel Performance Probability: A Meta-Analytic Integration of Expectancy and Self-efficacy," Psychological Reports, Vol. 88, (2001), pp. 1077-1090 (coauthors: S. H. Cady, D. Grey-Boyd).

"Program Commitment: A Multi-Study Longitudinal Field Investigation," Personnel Psychology, Vol. 54, (2001), pp. 421-448 (coauthors: S. Cady).

Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship

"Teams: How One Bad Apple Can Affect the Whole Barrel," (December 2000) (coauthors: S. Taggar).

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Barriers and Gateways to Management Cooperation and Teamwork," Business Horizons, Vol. 43, (2000), pp. 37-44 (coauthors: C. Longenecker).

"Too Much of a Good Thing or the More the Merrier? Exploring the Dispersion and Gender Composition of Informal Leadership in Intact Manufacturing Teams," Small Group Research, Vol. 30, No. 5, (1999), pp. 635-646.

"Relating Member Ability and personality to Work-Team Processes and Team Effectiveness," Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 83, (1998), pp. 377-391 (coauthors: M Barrick, G. Stewart, M. Mount).

"The value of feedback and goal setting over goal setting alone and potential moderators of this effect: A meta-analysis.," Human Performance, Vol. 11, (1998), pp. 321-335.

Presentations and Proceedings

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

"Signaling with Servant Leadership," presented at the International Leadership Association global conference, Vancouver, Canada, October 2023 (coauthors: Nathan Eva, Emily M Hunter, Matt Wood).

"MSR Theory: Directions from JMSR Best Papers," presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meetings, Boston, MA, August 2023 (coauthors: Ju-Chien C. Wu, Kevin D. Dougherty).

"Future directions of servant leadership: A research incubator," presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, August 2022 (coauthors: Jeremy Meuser, Emily M Hunter).

"Leading by serving: Understanding the antecedents and influences of servant leadership," presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, August 2022 (coauthors: Jia Hu, Emily M Hunter).
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