The ABO Reporter

AAA Award for Innovation in Accounting Education

Funded by the Ernst & Young Foundation

Instructions for Nominees to Complete Award Application
Nominees must make sure that completed application materials are received by February 15, 1999 to be considered for the AAA Award for Innovation in Accounting Education. Application materials should be sent to:

Professor Mary Alice Seville
College of Business
Oregon State University
200 Bexell Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331-2603.

Submissions should include eight copies and should contain:

a. the title of the innovation;

b. an executive summary describing the innovation;

c. evidence of the successful results, benefits and adaptability; and

d. any other materials necessary for the committee to understand the design, development, implementation, use and evaluation of the innovation.

Award Presentation
The awardee will be announced in the Accounting Education News and presented with the award, which consists of a plaque and $5,000, at the 1999 AAA Annual Meeting. This award is funded by the Ernst &Young Foundation.

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