The ABO Reporter

Call For Nominations

AAA Award for Innovation in Accounting Education

Funded by the Ernst & Young Foundation

The American Accounting Association requests nominations for the Award for Innovation in Accounting Education.

Award Intent
The intent of the award is to encourage innovation and improvement in accounting education. The award will recognize a significant activity, concept, or set of materials. The awardee can be an individual, group of individuals, or institution.

Award Criteria
The criteria used by the Selection Committee to judge submissions include, but are not limited to:

a. innovation;
b. educational benefits; and
c. adaptability by other educational institutions or to other situations.

Nominations may include, for instance, a set of teaching materials, an overall curriculum or program, a creative instructional strategy, or an insightful teaching approach. The innovation should have been implemented so that evidence of its success can be evaluated. Nomination letters are encouraged from individuals who are aware of innovative work done by others, as well as from those involved with the innovation. The nomination letters should include the name(s) of the individuals or institution involved and a brief description of the innovative work, and be submitted no later than January 12, 2000. The Committee will request application materials from nominees.

Award Process
To be considered for the Award for Innovation in Accounting Education, completed application materials must be received from nominees by February 18, 2000. Submissions should include nine copies and should contain:

a. a brief description of the design, development, implementation, use, and evaluation of the innovation; and
b. evidence of the successful results of the innovation, its benefits and adaptability.

Mailing Address
Nomination letters and application materials should be sent to:

Professor Sherry Mills
Department of Accounting
College of Business Administration and Economics
Box 30001, MSC 3DH
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003-0001.

Award Presentation
The awardee will be announced in the Accounting Education News and presented with the award, which consists of a plaque and $5,000, at the 2000 AAA Annual Meeting. The Ernst & Young Foundation will fund this award.

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