The ABO Reporter

Call for Papers
2001 AAA Annual Meeting

The 2001 Annual Meeting will be held on August 12-15 in Atlanta. The number of sessions allocated to the ABO Section is related to the number of manuscripts submitted to our Section coordinator. Please consider submitting your work for possible presentation at the Annual Meeting.

Submissions must be received by January 11, 2001. A submission fee of U.S. $15, made payable to the American Accounting Association, must accompany each manuscript. Papers should not be submitted that have either been published or accepted for publication, or that will be presented at more than one AAA Regional Meeting during Spring 2001.

Individuals should also be encouraged to review papers submitted to our section. Further details regarding the Annual Meeting will be published in the Accounting Education News and will be on the AAA web site. Submissions should be sent to:

D. Jordan Lowe
Department of Accounting, College of Business
Box 456003
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, NV 89154-6003
Phone: (702) 895-1841
Fax: (702) 895-4306

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