The ABO Reporter

A Message from the Chair,
Jane Kennedy

Hello to all members of the ABO section. I am happy to report that plans are well underway for the Accounting, Behavior and Organizations Section meeting in October. It will be held in St. Louis, Missouri on October 12 and 13. I hope that you will all plan to attend. Its central location should make it easier for members from both coasts to travel. Ralph Greenberg is organizing this conference along with the staff at the AAA. In this newsletter you will find his call for papers for the conference. Please consider submitting a paper and volunteering to be a discussant or a moderator.

Nearer on the horizon is the national AAA Annual Meeting in Atlanta. The ABO section will be well represented there as well. Jordan Lowe and Kathryn Kadous have put together five sessions with three papers in each as well as a panel session. In addition there are eight forum paper presentations. The papers span tax, audit, financial accounting and other areas. I’m sure there will be something for everyone.

My final request is that you vote for your ABO officers. There are two officer positions open for re-election: Chair-Elect and Secretary Treasurer. Voting is very easy to do electronically through the ABO web site or the old-fashioned way. Please take a few minutes to do this. Also, consider running for a position yourself next year or volunteering to organize the conference, help with the newsletter, or participate in many other activities of the section. We always need fresh ideas and some help bringing you the functions that you value.

In closing, I’ve enjoyed serving as Chair of the section. I thank everyone who has helped me. I will pass the torch along to the very able Charles Davis from Baylor University in August. I hope that everyone has a great summer.

Jane Kennedy, Chair 2000–2001
University of Washington

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